
Big Air – How it is changing kite sport

At the beginning of 2018, the Woo company sparked a new hype about Big Air with its altimeter.

Since then, the hunt for altitude records in the kite scene has never been the same.

Many athletes are driven by sporting ambitions, be it jogging or racing bikes.

Kite surfers are no exception.

The big air community has grown enormously in importance in recent years, and the fascination with gigantic jumps is constantly growing.

Big air battles and events like the King of the Air have developed into mass spectacles and shape the face of kite sport.

Because Big Air combines spectacle and comprehensibility for every spectator, regardless of kite knowledge.

Altimeters not only make jumps quantifiable, but also allow kiters to compare their performance with others and compete virtually.

Big air altimeters like Woo or PIQ became an integral part of the sport.

Professionals like Aaron Hadlow and Oswald Smith have broken the 20-meter mark and set a new standard.

These devices even offer hobby kiters an opportunity to improve their technique and set new goals.

However, the success of altimeters has also given rise to criticism.

Some criticize the accuracy of the measurements, while others dismiss them as a mere gimmick.

Nevertheless, one thing remains undeniable:

Big Air has changed the sport of kitesurfing forever and made jumping a fascinating sport that is followed enthusiastically by many.


Picture: Big Air kitesurfing-Pixabay – Meli1670